Calendar.js - Documentation - Options

Below is the JSON format and properties that can be used for the calendars options.

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v2.12.2 - 13th Dec 2024
JSON Properties

Standard Options:

Type: Name: Description:
boolean showDayNumberOrdinals States if the day ordinal values should be shown (defaults to true).
boolean dragAndDropForEventsEnabled States if dragging and dropping events around the days of the month is enabled (defaults to true).
boolean exportEventsEnabled States if exporting events is enabled (defaults to true).
boolean manualEditingEnabled States if adding, editing, dragging and removing events is enabled (defaults to true).
number autoRefreshTimerDelay The amount of time to wait before each full refresh (defaults to 30000 milliseconds, 0 disables it).
boolean fullScreenModeEnabled States if double click on the main title bar activates full-screen mode (defaults to true).
number tooltipDelay The amount of time to wait until a tooltip is shown (defaults to 1000 milliseconds).
Holiday[] holidays The holidays that should be shown for specific days/months (refer to “Holiday” documentation for properties).
string organizerName The default name of the organizer (defaults to an empty string).
string organizerEmailAddress The default email address of the organizer (defaults to an empty string).
number spacing States the default spacing that should be used for additional margins (defaults to 10).
number maximumEventTitleLength States the maximum length allowed for an event title (defaults to 0 to allow any size).
number maximumEventDescriptionLength States the maximum length allowed for an event description (defaults to 0 to allow any size).
number maximumEventLocationLength States the maximum length allowed for an event location (defaults to 0 to allow any size).
number maximumEventGroupLength States the maximum length allowed for an event group (defaults to 0 to allow any size).
boolean eventNotificationsEnabled States if notifications should be shown for events (defaults to false).
boolean tooltipsEnabled States if the tooltips are enabled throughout all the displays (defaults to true).
number[] visibleDays States the day numbers that should be visible (Outside listing all events. Defaults to [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ], Mon=0, Sun=6).
string urlWindowTarget States the target that an event URL should be opened in (defaults to _blank for a new window).
string defaultEventBackgroundColor States the default background color that should be used for events (defaults to “#484848”).
string defaultEventTextColor States the default text color that should be used for events (defaults to “#F5F5F5”).
string defaultEventBorderColor States the default border color that should be used for events (defaults to “#282828”).
boolean openInFullScreenMode States if full-screen mode should be turned on when the calendar is rendered (defaults to false).
boolean hideEventsWithoutGroupAssigned States if events without a group should be hidden (defaults to false).
boolean showHolidays States if the holidays should be shown (defaults to true).
boolean useTemplateWhenAddingNewEvent States if a blank template event should be added when adding a new event (causing the dialog to be in edit mode, defaults to true).
boolean useEscapeKeyToExitFullScreenMode States if the escape key should exit full-screen mode (if enabled, defaults to true).
boolean allowHtmlInDisplay States if HTML can be used in the display (defaults to false).
number[] weekendDays States the day numbers that that are considered weekend days (defaults to [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ], Mon=0, Sun=6).
Object initialDateTime States the date that the calendar should start from when first loaded (defaults to today).
Search searchOptions States all the configurable search options that should be used (refer to “Search Options” documentation for properties). This is an alternate way of getting the options into the instance.
Event[] data States the events that will be shown when the calendar first renders (defaults to null).
number[] workingDays States the day numbers that that are considered working days (defaults to [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ], Mon=0, Sun=6).
number minimumYear The minimum year that can be shown in the Calendar (defaults to 1900).
number maximumYear The maximum year that can be shown in the Calendar (defaults to 2099).
number defaultEventDuration States the default duration used when a new event is added (defaults to 30 minutes).
boolean configurationDialogEnabled States if the configuration dialog is enabled (defaults to true).
boolean popUpNotificationsEnabled States if the popup notifications (when actions are performed) are enabled (defaults to true).
number startOfWeekDay States what day the week starts on (defaults to 0, with options: Mon = 0, Sat = 5, Sun = 6).
boolean useLocalStorageForEvents States if the events added should be stored in local storage (remembered between browser usages, defaults to false).
boolean shortcutKeysEnabled States if the shortcut keys are enabled (defaults to true).
Object workingHoursStart States when the time the working hours start (for example, “09:00”, or { 2: “09:00” } for specific days, and defaults to null).
Object workingHoursEnd States when the time the working hours end (for example, “17:00”, or { 2: “17:00” } for specific days, and defaults to null).
boolean reverseOrderDaysOfWeek States if the days of the week should be reversed (for Hebrew calendars, for example. Defaults to false).
boolean importEventsEnabled States if importing events is enabled (defaults to true).
boolean useAmPmForTimeDisplays States if the AM/PM time format should be used for all time displays (defaults to false).
boolean isWidget States if the new calendar instance is only a widget (defaults to false).
string viewToOpenOnFirstLoad States which view should be opened when the Calendar is first initialized (defaults to null, accepts “full-day”, “full-week”, “full-year”, “timeline”, and “all-events”).
boolean eventColorsEditingEnabled States if changing the colors for events in the “Edit Event” dialog is enabled (defaults to true).
number eventTooltipDelay The amount of time to wait until an event tooltip is shown (defaults to 1000 milliseconds).
boolean jumpToDateEnabled States if the "Jump To Date" dialog is enabled (defaults to true).

Side Menu Options:

Type: Name: Description:
boolean showDays States if the “Days” section on the Side Menu is visible (defaults to true).
boolean showGroups States if the “Groups” section on the Side Menu is visible (defaults to true).
boolean showEventTypes States if the “Event Types” section on the Side Menu is visible (defaults to true).
boolean showWorkingDays States if the “Working Days” section on the Side Menu is visible (defaults to true).
boolean showWeekendDays States if the “Weekend Days” section on the Side Menu is visible (defaults to true).

View Options: Full Day:

Type: Name: Description:
boolean enabled States if the view is enabled (defaults to true).
boolean showAllDayEventDetails States if the extra details for an All Day event should be shown (defaults to false).
number minutesBetweenSections States the number of minutes that should be used between rows in all views (defaults to 30).
boolean showTimelineArrow States if the timeline arrow should be shown (defaults to true).
boolean showExtraTitleBarButtons States if the extra toolbar buttons on the main title bars are visible (defaults to true).

View Options: Full Week:

Type: Name: Description:
boolean enabled States if the view is enabled (defaults to true).
boolean showAllDayEventDetails States if the extra details for an All Day event should be shown (defaults to false).
boolean showDayNamesHeaders States if the day names headers should be shown (defaults to true).
number minutesBetweenSections States the number of minutes that should be used between rows in all views (defaults to 30).
boolean showTimelineArrow States if the timeline arrow should be shown (defaults to true).
boolean showWeekNumbersInTitles States if week numbers should be shown in the title bars (defaults to false).
boolean showExtraTitleBarButtons States if the extra toolbar buttons on the main title bars are visible (defaults to true).
boolean showDatesInDayHeaders States if the dates should be shown in the day headers (defaults to true).

View Options: Full Month:

Type: Name: Description:
number maximumEventsPerDayDisplay The maximum number of events that should be displayed per day (defaults to 3, 0 disables it).
boolean allowEventScrolling States if the days in the display can be scrolled (defaults to false, overrides maximumEventsPerDayDisplay if true).
boolean showTimesInEvents States if the time should be shown on the events (defaults to false).
number minimumDayHeight States the height the days should use (defaults to 0 - auto).
boolean showPreviousNextMonthNames States if the previous/next month names should be shown in the days (defaults to true).
boolean useOnlyDotEvents States if only dot event icons should be used (to save space, defaults to false).
boolean applyCssToEventsNotInCurrentMonth States if extra CSS should be applied to events that are not in the current (defaults to true).
boolean addYearButtons States if the year-jumping buttons should be added (defaults to false).
string titleBarDateFormat States the display format that should be used for the title bar (defaults to “{mmmm} {yyyy}”, see date display formats here for options).
boolean showDayNamesHeaders States if the day names headers should be shown (defaults to true).
boolean isPinUpViewEnabled States if the pin-up view is enabled (defaults to false).
string[] pinUpViewImageUrls States the the pin-up view images that should be used (defaults to []).
boolean showMonthButtonsInYearDropDownMenu States if the month name selector buttons are shown in the Year Drop-Down menu (defaults to true).
boolean showExtraTitleBarButtons States if the extra toolbar buttons on the main title bars are visible (defaults to true).
string[] pinUpViewImageCssClasses States the the pin-up view CSS classes that should be used (instead of images, defaults to []).

View Options: Full Year:

Type: Name: Description:
boolean enabled States if the view is enabled (defaults to true).
boolean showExtraTitleBarButtons States if the extra toolbar buttons on the main title bars are visible (defaults to true).

View Options: Timeline:

Type: Name: Description:
boolean enabled States if the view is enabled (defaults to true).
string defaultAxis States the default axis the view should use (defaults to “group”).
number minutesBetweenSections States the number of minutes that should be used between headers in all views (defaults to 30).
boolean showExtraTitleBarButtons States if the extra toolbar buttons on the main title bars are visible (defaults to true).

View Options: All Events:

Type: Name: Description:
boolean enabled States if the view is enabled (defaults to true).
boolean showExtraTitleBarButtons States if the extra toolbar buttons on the main title bars are visible (defaults to true).

View Options: DatePicker:

Type: Name: Description:
string selectedDateFormat States the display format that should be used for the DatePicker input field (defaults to “{d}{o} {mmmm} {yyyy}”, see date display formats here for options).
Object minimumDate States the minimum date that can be selected in DatePicker mode (defaults to null).
Object maximumDate States the minimum date that can be selected in DatePicker mode (defaults to null).

Translatable String Options:

Type: Name: Description:
string previousMonthTooltipText The tooltip text that should be used for the “Previous Month” button.
string nextMonthTooltipText The tooltip text that should be used for the “Next Month” button.
string previousDayTooltipText The tooltip text that should be used for the “Previous Day” button.
string nextDayTooltipText The tooltip text that should be used for the “Next Day” button.
string previousWeekTooltipText The tooltip text that should be used for the “Previous Week” button.
string nextWeekTooltipText The tooltip text that should be used for the “Next Week” button.
string addEventTooltipText The tooltip text that should be used for the “Add Event” button.
string closeTooltipText The tooltip text that should be used for the “Close” button.
string exportEventsTooltipText The tooltip text that should be used for the “Export Events” button.
string viewAllEventsTooltipText The tooltip text that should be used for the “View All Events” button.
string viewFullWeekTooltipText The tooltip text that should be used for the “View Full Week” button.
string todayTooltipText The tooltip text that should be used for the “Today” button.
string refreshTooltipText The tooltip text that should be used for the “Refresh” button.
string searchTooltipText The tooltip text that should be used for the “Search” button.
string expandDayTooltipText The tooltip text that should be used for the “Expand Day” button.
string[] dayHeaderNames The names to use for the day headers (defaults to ‘[ “Mon”, “Tue”, “Wed”, “Thu”, “Fri”, “Sat”, “Sun” ]’).
string[] dayNames The full day names (defaults to ‘[ “Monday”, “Tuesday”, “Wednesday”, “Thursday”, “Friday”, “Saturday”, “Sunday” ]’).
string[] dayNamesAbbreviated The abbreviated day names (defaults to ‘[ “Mon”, “Tue”, “Wed”, “Thu”, “Fri”, “Sat”, “Sun” ]’).
string[] monthNames The full month names (defaults to ‘[ “January”, “February”, “March”, “April”, “May”, “June”, “July”, “August”, “September”, “October”, “November”, “December” ]’).
string[] monthNamesAbbreviated The abbreviated month names (defaults to ‘[ “Jan”, “Feb”, “Mar”, “Apr”, “May”, “Jun”, “Jul”, “Aug”, “Sep”, “Oct”, “Nov”, “Dec” ]’).
string fromText The text that should be displayed for the “From:” label.
string toText The text that should be displayed for the “To:” label.
string isAllDayText The text that should be displayed for the “Is All-Day” label.
string titleText The text that should be displayed for the “Title:” label.
string descriptionText The text that should be displayed for the “Description:” label.
string locationText The text that should be displayed for the “Location:” label.
string addText The text that should be displayed for the “Add” button.
string updatedText The text that should be displayed for the “Update” button.
string cancelText The text that should be displayed for the “Cancel” button.
string removeEventText The text that should be displayed for the “Remove Event” button.
string addEventTitle The title bar text that is shown for the “Add Event” label.
string editEventTitle The title bar text that is shown for the “Edit Event” label.
string exportStartFilename The starting filename that should be used when exporting calendar events (defaults to “exported_events_”).
string fromTimeErrorMessage The error message shown for the “Please select a valid ‘From’ time.” label.
string toTimeErrorMessage The error message shown for the “Please select a valid ‘To’ time.” label.
string toSmallerThanFromErrorMessage The error message shown for the “Please select a ‘To’ date that is larger than the ‘From’ date.” label.
string titleErrorMessage The error message shown for the “Please enter a value in the ‘Title’ field (no empty space).” label.
string stText The day ordinal text for “st”.
string ndText The day ordinal text for “nd”.
string rdText The day ordinal text for “rd”.
string thText The day ordinal text for “th”.
string yesText The text that should be displayed for the “Yes” label.
string noText The text that should be displayed for the “No” label.
string allDayText The text that should be displayed for the “All-Day” label.
string allEventsText The text that should be displayed for the “All Events” label.
string toTimeText The text that should be displayed for the “to” label.
string confirmEventRemoveTitle The title of the confirmation message that is shown when removing an event (defaults to “Confirm Event Removal”).
string confirmEventRemoveMessage The text for the confirmation message that is shown when removing an event (defaults to “Removing this event cannot be undone. Do you want to continue?”).
string okText The text that should be displayed for the “OK” button.
string exportEventsTitle The text that should be displayed for the “Export Events” label.
string selectColorsText The text that should be displayed for the “Select Colors” label.
string backgroundColorText The text that should be displayed for the “Background Color:” label.
string textColorText The text that should be displayed for the “Text Color:” label.
string borderColorText The text that should be displayed for the “Border Color:” label.
string searchEventsTitle The text that should be displayed for the “Search Events” label.
string previousText The text that should be displayed for the “Previous” button.
string nextText The text that should be displayed for the “Next” button.
string matchCaseText The text that should be displayed for the “Match Case” label.
string repeatsText The text that should be displayed for the “Repeats:” label.
string repeatDaysToExcludeText The text that should be displayed for the “Repeat Days To Exclude:” label.
string daysToExcludeText The text that should be displayed for the “Days To Exclude:” label.
string seriesIgnoreDatesText The text that should be displayed for the “Series Ignore Dates:” label.
string repeatsNever The text that should be displayed for the “Never” label.
string repeatsEveryDayText The text that should be displayed for the “Every Day” label.
string repeatsEveryWeekText The text that should be displayed for the “Every Week” label.
string repeatsEvery2WeeksText The text that should be displayed for the “Every 2 Weeks” label.
string repeatsEveryMonthText The text that should be displayed for the “Every Month” label.
string repeatsEveryYearText The text that should be displayed for the “Every Year” label.
string repeatsCustomText The text that should be displayed for the “Custom:” label.
string repeatOptionsTitle The text that should be displayed for the “Repeat Options” label.
string moreText The text that should be displayed for the “More” label.
string includeText The text that should be displayed for the “Include:” label.
string minimizedTooltipText The tooltip text that should be used for the “Minimize” button.
string restoreTooltipText The tooltip text that should be used for the “Restore” button.
string removeAllEventsInSeriesText The text that should be displayed for the “Remove All Events In Series” label.
string createdText The text that should be displayed for the “Created:” label.
string organizerNameText The text that should be displayed for the “Organizer:” label.
string organizerEmailAddressText The text that should be displayed for the “Organizer Email:” label.
string enableFullScreenTooltipText The tooltip text that should be used for the “Turn On Full-Screen Mode” button.
string disableFullScreenTooltipText The tooltip text that should be used for the “Turn Off Full-Screen Mode” button.
string idText The text that should be displayed for the “ID:” label.
string expandMonthTooltipText The tooltip text that should be used for the “Expand Month” button.
string repeatEndsText The text that should be displayed for the “Repeat Ends:” label.
string noEventsAvailableText The text that should be displayed for the “No events available.” label.
string viewWeekEventsText The text that should be displayed for the “View Full Week” label.
string noEventsAvailableFullText The text that should be displayed for the “There are no events available to view.” label.
string clickText The text that should be displayed for the “Click” label.
string hereText The text that should be displayed for the “here” label.
string toAddANewEventText The text that should be displayed for the “to add a new event.” label.
string weekText The text that should be displayed for the “Week” label.
string groupText The text that should be displayed for the “Group:” label.
string configurationTooltipText The tooltip text that should be used for the “Configuration” button.
string configurationTitleText The text that should be displayed for the “Configuration” label.
string groupsText The text that should be displayed for the “Groups” label.
string eventNotificationTitle The text that should be displayed for the notification title (defaults to “Calendar.js”).
string eventNotificationBody The text that should be displayed for the notification body (defaults to “The event ‘{0}’ has started.”).
string optionsText The text that should be displayed for the “Options:” label.
string startsWithText The text that should be displayed for the “Starts With” label.
string endsWithText The text that should be displayed for the “Ends With” label.
string containsText The text that should be displayed for the “Contains” label.
string displayTabText The text that should be displayed for the “Display” tab.
string enableAutoRefreshForEventsText The text that should be displayed for the “Enable auto-refresh for events” label.
string enableBrowserNotificationsText The text that should be displayed for the “Enable browser notifications” label.
string enableTooltipsText The text that should be displayed for the “Enable tooltips” label.
string dayText The text that should be displayed for the “day” label.
string daysText The text that should be displayed for the “days” label.
string hourText The text that should be displayed for the “hour” label.
string hoursText The text that should be displayed for the “hours” label.
string minuteText The text that should be displayed for the “minute” label.
string minutesText The text that should be displayed for the “minutes” label.
string enableDragAndDropForEventText The text that should be displayed for the “Enable drag & drop for events” label.
string organizerTabText The text that should be displayed for the “Organizer” tab.
string removeEventsTooltipText The tooltip text that should be used for the “Remove Events” button.
string confirmEventsRemoveTitle The title of the confirmation message that is shown when removing events (defaults to “Confirm Events Removal”).
string confirmEventsRemoveMessage The text for the confirmation message that is shown when removing events (defaults to “Removing these non-repeating events cannot be undone. Do you want to continue?”).
string eventText The text that should be displayed for the “Event” label.
string optionalText The text that should be displayed for the “Optional” label.
string urlText The text that should be displayed for the “Url:” label.
string openUrlText The text that should be displayed for the “Open Url” label.
string thisWeekTooltipText The tooltip text that should be used for the “This Week” button.
string dailyText The text that should be displayed for the “Daily” label.
string weeklyText The text that should be displayed for the “Weekly” label.
string monthlyText The text that should be displayed for the “Monthly” label.
string yearlyText The text that should be displayed for the “Yearly” label.
string repeatsByCustomSettingsText The text that should be displayed for the “By Custom Settings” label.
string lastUpdatedText The text that should be displayed for the “Last Updated:” label.
string advancedText The text that should be displayed for the “Advanced” label.
string copyText The text that should be displayed for the “Copy” label.
string pasteText The text that should be displayed for the “Paste” label.
string duplicateText The text that should be displayed for the “Duplicate” label.
string showAlertsText The text that should be displayed for the “Show Alerts” label.
string selectDatePlaceholderText The text that should be displayed for the “Select date…” date-picker placeholder text.
string hideDayText The text that should be displayed for the “Hide Day” label.
string notSearchText The text that should be displayed for the “Not (opposite)” label.
string showHolidaysInTheDisplaysText The text that should be displayed for the “Show holidays in the main display and title bars” label.
string newEventDefaultTitle The default title that should be used for new events (defaults to “* New Event”).
string urlErrorMessage The error message shown for the “Please enter a valid Url in the ‘Url’ field (or leave blank).” label.
string searchTextBoxPlaceholder The text that should be displayed for the “Search” dialogs text fields placeholder (defaults to “Search title, description, etc…”).
string currentMonthTooltipText The text that should be displayed for the “Current Month” label.
string cutText The text that should be displayed for the “Cut” label.
string showMenuTooltipText The tooltip text that should be used for the “Show Menu” button.
string eventTypesText The text that should be displayed for the “Event Types” label.
string eventTypeNormalText The text that should be displayed for the “Normal” event label.
string eventTypeMeetingText The text that should be displayed for the “Meeting” event label.
string eventTypeBirthdayText The text that should be displayed for the “Birthday” event label.
string eventTypeHolidayText The text that should be displayed for the “Holiday” event label.
string eventTypeTaskText The text that should be displayed for the “Task” event label.
string lockedText The text that should be displayed for the “Locked:” label.
string typeText The text that should be displayed for the “Type:” label.
string sideMenuHeaderText The text that should be displayed for the “Calendar.js” side menu header label.
string sideMenuDaysText The text that should be displayed for the “Days” side menu label.
string visibleDaysText The text that should be displayed for the “Visible Days” label.
string previousYearTooltipText The tooltip text that should be used for the “Previous Year” button.
string nextYearTooltipText The tooltip text that should be used for the “Next Year” button.
string showOnlyWorkingDaysText The text that should be displayed for the “Show Only Working Days” label.
string exportFilenamePlaceholderText The text that should be displayed for the “Export” dialogs name placeholder (defaults to “Name (optional)”).
string exportText The text that should be displayed for the “Export” button.
string configurationUpdatedText The text that should be displayed for the “Configuration updated.” notification.
string eventAddedText The text that should be displayed for the “{0} event added.” notification.
string eventUpdatedText The text that should be displayed for the “{0} event updated.” notification.
string eventRemovedText The text that should be displayed for the “{0} event removed.” notification.
string eventsRemovedText The text that should be displayed for the “{0} events removed.” notification.
string eventsExportedToText The text that should be displayed for the “Events exported to {0}.” notification.
string eventsPastedText The text that should be displayed for the “{0} events pasted.” notification.
string eventsExportedText The text that should be displayed for the “Events exported.” notification.
string copyToClipboardOnlyText The text that should be displayed for the “Copy to clipboard only” label.
string workingDaysText The text that should be displayed for the “Working Days” label.
string weekendDaysText The text that should be displayed for the “Weekend Days” label.
string showAsBusyText The text that should be displayed for the “Show As Busy” label.
string selectAllText The tooltip text that should be displayed for the “Select All” label.
string selectNoneText The tooltip text that should be displayed for the “Select None” label.
string importEventsTooltipText The tooltip text that should be used for the “Import Events” button.
string viewFullYearTooltipText The tooltip text that should be used for the “View Full Year” button.
string currentYearTooltipText The tooltip text that should be used for the “Current Year” button.
string alertOffsetText The tooltip text that should be displayed for the “Alert Offset:” label.
string viewFullDayTooltipText The tooltip text that should be used for the “View Full Day” button.
string confirmEventUpdateTitle The title of the confirmation message that is shown when updating a repeating event (defaults to “Confirm Event Update”).
string confirmEventUpdateMessage The text for the confirmation message that is shown when updating a repeating event (defaults to “Would you like to update the event from this point forward, or the entire series?”).
string forwardText The text that should be displayed for the “Forward” button.
string seriesText The text that should be displayed for the “Series” button.
string viewTimelineTooltipText The tooltip text that should be used for the “View Timeline” button.
string nextPropertyTooltipText The tooltip text that should be used for the “Next Property” button.
string noneText The text that should be displayed for the “(none)” label.
string shareText The text that should be displayed for the “Share” label.
string shareStartFilename The starting filename that should be used when sharing calendar events (defaults to “share_events_”).
string previousPropertyTooltipText The tooltip text that should be used for the “Previous Property” button.
string jumpToDateTitle The text that should be displayed for the “Jump To Date” label.
string goText The tooltip text that should be used for the “Go” button.