string |
previousMonthTooltipText |
The tooltip text that should be used for the “Previous Month” button. |
string |
nextMonthTooltipText |
The tooltip text that should be used for the “Next Month” button. |
string |
previousDayTooltipText |
The tooltip text that should be used for the “Previous Day” button. |
string |
nextDayTooltipText |
The tooltip text that should be used for the “Next Day” button. |
string |
previousWeekTooltipText |
The tooltip text that should be used for the “Previous Week” button. |
string |
nextWeekTooltipText |
The tooltip text that should be used for the “Next Week” button. |
string |
addEventTooltipText |
The tooltip text that should be used for the “Add Event” button. |
string |
closeTooltipText |
The tooltip text that should be used for the “Close” button. |
string |
exportEventsTooltipText |
The tooltip text that should be used for the “Export Events” button. |
string |
viewAllEventsTooltipText |
The tooltip text that should be used for the “View All Events” button. |
string |
viewFullWeekTooltipText |
The tooltip text that should be used for the “View Full Week” button. |
string |
todayTooltipText |
The tooltip text that should be used for the “Today” button. |
string |
refreshTooltipText |
The tooltip text that should be used for the “Refresh” button. |
string |
searchTooltipText |
The tooltip text that should be used for the “Search” button. |
string |
expandDayTooltipText |
The tooltip text that should be used for the “Expand Day” button. |
string[] |
dayHeaderNames |
The names to use for the day headers (defaults to ‘[ “Mon”, “Tue”, “Wed”, “Thu”, “Fri”, “Sat”, “Sun” ]’). |
string[] |
dayNames |
The full day names (defaults to ‘[ “Monday”, “Tuesday”, “Wednesday”, “Thursday”, “Friday”, “Saturday”, “Sunday” ]’). |
string[] |
dayNamesAbbreviated |
The abbreviated day names (defaults to ‘[ “Mon”, “Tue”, “Wed”, “Thu”, “Fri”, “Sat”, “Sun” ]’). |
string[] |
monthNames |
The full month names (defaults to ‘[ “January”, “February”, “March”, “April”, “May”, “June”, “July”, “August”, “September”, “October”, “November”, “December” ]’). |
string[] |
monthNamesAbbreviated |
The abbreviated month names (defaults to ‘[ “Jan”, “Feb”, “Mar”, “Apr”, “May”, “Jun”, “Jul”, “Aug”, “Sep”, “Oct”, “Nov”, “Dec” ]’). |
string |
fromText |
The text that should be displayed for the “From:” label. |
string |
toText |
The text that should be displayed for the “To:” label. |
string |
isAllDayText |
The text that should be displayed for the “Is All-Day” label. |
string |
titleText |
The text that should be displayed for the “Title:” label. |
string |
descriptionText |
The text that should be displayed for the “Description:” label. |
string |
locationText |
The text that should be displayed for the “Location:” label. |
string |
addText |
The text that should be displayed for the “Add” button. |
string |
updatedText |
The text that should be displayed for the “Update” button. |
string |
cancelText |
The text that should be displayed for the “Cancel” button. |
string |
removeEventText |
The text that should be displayed for the “Remove Event” button. |
string |
addEventTitle |
The title bar text that is shown for the “Add Event” label. |
string |
editEventTitle |
The title bar text that is shown for the “Edit Event” label. |
string |
exportStartFilename |
The starting filename that should be used when exporting calendar events (defaults to “exported_events_”). |
string |
fromTimeErrorMessage |
The error message shown for the “Please select a valid ‘From’ time.” label. |
string |
toTimeErrorMessage |
The error message shown for the “Please select a valid ‘To’ time.” label. |
string |
toSmallerThanFromErrorMessage |
The error message shown for the “Please select a ‘To’ date that is larger than the ‘From’ date.” label. |
string |
titleErrorMessage |
The error message shown for the “Please enter a value in the ‘Title’ field (no empty space).” label. |
string |
stText |
The day ordinal text for “st”. |
string |
ndText |
The day ordinal text for “nd”. |
string |
rdText |
The day ordinal text for “rd”. |
string |
thText |
The day ordinal text for “th”. |
string |
yesText |
The text that should be displayed for the “Yes” label. |
string |
noText |
The text that should be displayed for the “No” label. |
string |
allDayText |
The text that should be displayed for the “All-Day” label. |
string |
allEventsText |
The text that should be displayed for the “All Events” label. |
string |
toTimeText |
The text that should be displayed for the “to” label. |
string |
confirmEventRemoveTitle |
The title of the confirmation message that is shown when removing an event (defaults to “Confirm Event Removal”). |
string |
confirmEventRemoveMessage |
The text for the confirmation message that is shown when removing an event (defaults to “Removing this event cannot be undone. Do you want to continue?”). |
string |
okText |
The text that should be displayed for the “OK” button. |
string |
exportEventsTitle |
The text that should be displayed for the “Export Events” label. |
string |
selectColorsText |
The text that should be displayed for the “Select Colors” label. |
string |
backgroundColorText |
The text that should be displayed for the “Background Color:” label. |
string |
textColorText |
The text that should be displayed for the “Text Color:” label. |
string |
borderColorText |
The text that should be displayed for the “Border Color:” label. |
string |
searchEventsTitle |
The text that should be displayed for the “Search Events” label. |
string |
previousText |
The text that should be displayed for the “Previous” button. |
string |
nextText |
The text that should be displayed for the “Next” button. |
string |
matchCaseText |
The text that should be displayed for the “Match Case” label. |
string |
repeatsText |
The text that should be displayed for the “Repeats:” label. |
string |
repeatDaysToExcludeText |
The text that should be displayed for the “Repeat Days To Exclude:” label. |
string |
daysToExcludeText |
The text that should be displayed for the “Days To Exclude:” label. |
string |
seriesIgnoreDatesText |
The text that should be displayed for the “Series Ignore Dates:” label. |
string |
repeatsNever |
The text that should be displayed for the “Never” label. |
string |
repeatsEveryDayText |
The text that should be displayed for the “Every Day” label. |
string |
repeatsEveryWeekText |
The text that should be displayed for the “Every Week” label. |
string |
repeatsEvery2WeeksText |
The text that should be displayed for the “Every 2 Weeks” label. |
string |
repeatsEveryMonthText |
The text that should be displayed for the “Every Month” label. |
string |
repeatsEveryYearText |
The text that should be displayed for the “Every Year” label. |
string |
repeatsCustomText |
The text that should be displayed for the “Custom:” label. |
string |
repeatOptionsTitle |
The text that should be displayed for the “Repeat Options” label. |
string |
moreText |
The text that should be displayed for the “More” label. |
string |
includeText |
The text that should be displayed for the “Include:” label. |
string |
minimizedTooltipText |
The tooltip text that should be used for the “Minimize” button. |
string |
restoreTooltipText |
The tooltip text that should be used for the “Restore” button. |
string |
removeAllEventsInSeriesText |
The text that should be displayed for the “Remove All Events In Series” label. |
string |
createdText |
The text that should be displayed for the “Created:” label. |
string |
organizerNameText |
The text that should be displayed for the “Organizer:” label. |
string |
organizerEmailAddressText |
The text that should be displayed for the “Organizer Email:” label. |
string |
enableFullScreenTooltipText |
The tooltip text that should be used for the “Turn On Full-Screen Mode” button. |
string |
disableFullScreenTooltipText |
The tooltip text that should be used for the “Turn Off Full-Screen Mode” button. |
string |
idText |
The text that should be displayed for the “ID:” label. |
string |
expandMonthTooltipText |
The tooltip text that should be used for the “Expand Month” button. |
string |
repeatEndsText |
The text that should be displayed for the “Repeat Ends:” label. |
string |
noEventsAvailableText |
The text that should be displayed for the “No events available.” label. |
string |
viewWeekEventsText |
The text that should be displayed for the “View Full Week” label. |
string |
noEventsAvailableFullText |
The text that should be displayed for the “There are no events available to view.” label. |
string |
clickText |
The text that should be displayed for the “Click” label. |
string |
hereText |
The text that should be displayed for the “here” label. |
string |
toAddANewEventText |
The text that should be displayed for the “to add a new event.” label. |
string |
weekText |
The text that should be displayed for the “Week” label. |
string |
groupText |
The text that should be displayed for the “Group:” label. |
string |
configurationTooltipText |
The tooltip text that should be used for the “Configuration” button. |
string |
configurationTitleText |
The text that should be displayed for the “Configuration” label. |
string |
groupsText |
The text that should be displayed for the “Groups” label. |
string |
eventNotificationTitle |
The text that should be displayed for the notification title (defaults to “Calendar.js”). |
string |
eventNotificationBody |
The text that should be displayed for the notification body (defaults to “The event ‘{0}’ has started.”). |
string |
optionsText |
The text that should be displayed for the “Options:” label. |
string |
startsWithText |
The text that should be displayed for the “Starts With” label. |
string |
endsWithText |
The text that should be displayed for the “Ends With” label. |
string |
containsText |
The text that should be displayed for the “Contains” label. |
string |
displayTabText |
The text that should be displayed for the “Display” tab. |
string |
enableAutoRefreshForEventsText |
The text that should be displayed for the “Enable auto-refresh for events” label. |
string |
enableBrowserNotificationsText |
The text that should be displayed for the “Enable browser notifications” label. |
string |
enableTooltipsText |
The text that should be displayed for the “Enable tooltips” label. |
string |
dayText |
The text that should be displayed for the “day” label. |
string |
daysText |
The text that should be displayed for the “days” label. |
string |
hourText |
The text that should be displayed for the “hour” label. |
string |
hoursText |
The text that should be displayed for the “hours” label. |
string |
minuteText |
The text that should be displayed for the “minute” label. |
string |
minutesText |
The text that should be displayed for the “minutes” label. |
string |
enableDragAndDropForEventText |
The text that should be displayed for the “Enable drag & drop for events” label. |
string |
organizerTabText |
The text that should be displayed for the “Organizer” tab. |
string |
removeEventsTooltipText |
The tooltip text that should be used for the “Remove Events” button. |
string |
confirmEventsRemoveTitle |
The title of the confirmation message that is shown when removing events (defaults to “Confirm Events Removal”). |
string |
confirmEventsRemoveMessage |
The text for the confirmation message that is shown when removing events (defaults to “Removing these non-repeating events cannot be undone. Do you want to continue?”). |
string |
eventText |
The text that should be displayed for the “Event” label. |
string |
optionalText |
The text that should be displayed for the “Optional” label. |
string |
urlText |
The text that should be displayed for the “Url:” label. |
string |
openUrlText |
The text that should be displayed for the “Open Url” label. |
string |
thisWeekTooltipText |
The tooltip text that should be used for the “This Week” button. |
string |
dailyText |
The text that should be displayed for the “Daily” label. |
string |
weeklyText |
The text that should be displayed for the “Weekly” label. |
string |
monthlyText |
The text that should be displayed for the “Monthly” label. |
string |
yearlyText |
The text that should be displayed for the “Yearly” label. |
string |
repeatsByCustomSettingsText |
The text that should be displayed for the “By Custom Settings” label. |
string |
lastUpdatedText |
The text that should be displayed for the “Last Updated:” label. |
string |
advancedText |
The text that should be displayed for the “Advanced” label. |
string |
copyText |
The text that should be displayed for the “Copy” label. |
string |
pasteText |
The text that should be displayed for the “Paste” label. |
string |
duplicateText |
The text that should be displayed for the “Duplicate” label. |
string |
showAlertsText |
The text that should be displayed for the “Show Alerts” label. |
string |
selectDatePlaceholderText |
The text that should be displayed for the “Select date…” date-picker placeholder text. |
string |
hideDayText |
The text that should be displayed for the “Hide Day” label. |
string |
notSearchText |
The text that should be displayed for the “Not (opposite)” label. |
string |
showHolidaysInTheDisplaysText |
The text that should be displayed for the “Show holidays in the main display and title bars” label. |
string |
newEventDefaultTitle |
The default title that should be used for new events (defaults to “* New Event”). |
string |
urlErrorMessage |
The error message shown for the “Please enter a valid Url in the ‘Url’ field (or leave blank).” label. |
string |
searchTextBoxPlaceholder |
The text that should be displayed for the “Search” dialogs text fields placeholder (defaults to “Search title, description, etc…”). |
string |
currentMonthTooltipText |
The text that should be displayed for the “Current Month” label. |
string |
cutText |
The text that should be displayed for the “Cut” label. |
string |
showMenuTooltipText |
The tooltip text that should be used for the “Show Menu” button. |
string |
eventTypesText |
The text that should be displayed for the “Event Types” label. |
string |
eventTypeNormalText |
The text that should be displayed for the “Normal” event label. |
string |
eventTypeMeetingText |
The text that should be displayed for the “Meeting” event label. |
string |
eventTypeBirthdayText |
The text that should be displayed for the “Birthday” event label. |
string |
eventTypeHolidayText |
The text that should be displayed for the “Holiday” event label. |
string |
eventTypeTaskText |
The text that should be displayed for the “Task” event label. |
string |
lockedText |
The text that should be displayed for the “Locked:” label. |
string |
typeText |
The text that should be displayed for the “Type:” label. |
string |
sideMenuHeaderText |
The text that should be displayed for the “Calendar.js” side menu header label. |
string |
sideMenuDaysText |
The text that should be displayed for the “Days” side menu label. |
string |
visibleDaysText |
The text that should be displayed for the “Visible Days” label. |
string |
previousYearTooltipText |
The tooltip text that should be used for the “Previous Year” button. |
string |
nextYearTooltipText |
The tooltip text that should be used for the “Next Year” button. |
string |
showOnlyWorkingDaysText |
The text that should be displayed for the “Show Only Working Days” label. |
string |
exportFilenamePlaceholderText |
The text that should be displayed for the “Export” dialogs name placeholder (defaults to “Name (optional)”). |
string |
exportText |
The text that should be displayed for the “Export” button. |
string |
configurationUpdatedText |
The text that should be displayed for the “Configuration updated.” notification. |
string |
eventAddedText |
The text that should be displayed for the “{0} event added.” notification. |
string |
eventUpdatedText |
The text that should be displayed for the “{0} event updated.” notification. |
string |
eventRemovedText |
The text that should be displayed for the “{0} event removed.” notification. |
string |
eventsRemovedText |
The text that should be displayed for the “{0} events removed.” notification. |
string |
eventsExportedToText |
The text that should be displayed for the “Events exported to {0}.” notification. |
string |
eventsPastedText |
The text that should be displayed for the “{0} events pasted.” notification. |
string |
eventsExportedText |
The text that should be displayed for the “Events exported.” notification. |
string |
copyToClipboardOnlyText |
The text that should be displayed for the “Copy to clipboard only” label. |
string |
workingDaysText |
The text that should be displayed for the “Working Days” label. |
string |
weekendDaysText |
The text that should be displayed for the “Weekend Days” label. |
string |
showAsBusyText |
The text that should be displayed for the “Show As Busy” label. |
string |
selectAllText |
The tooltip text that should be displayed for the “Select All” label. |
string |
selectNoneText |
The tooltip text that should be displayed for the “Select None” label. |
string |
importEventsTooltipText |
The tooltip text that should be used for the “Import Events” button. |
string |
viewFullYearTooltipText |
The tooltip text that should be used for the “View Full Year” button. |
string |
currentYearTooltipText |
The tooltip text that should be used for the “Current Year” button. |
string |
alertOffsetText |
The tooltip text that should be displayed for the “Alert Offset:” label. |
string |
viewFullDayTooltipText |
The tooltip text that should be used for the “View Full Day” button. |
string |
confirmEventUpdateTitle |
The title of the confirmation message that is shown when updating a repeating event (defaults to “Confirm Event Update”). |
string |
confirmEventUpdateMessage |
The text for the confirmation message that is shown when updating a repeating event (defaults to “Would you like to update the event from this point forward, or the entire series?”). |
string |
forwardText |
The text that should be displayed for the “Forward” button. |
string |
seriesText |
The text that should be displayed for the “Series” button. |
string |
viewTimelineTooltipText |
The tooltip text that should be used for the “View Timeline” button. |
string |
nextPropertyTooltipText |
The tooltip text that should be used for the “Next Property” button. |
string |
noneText |
The text that should be displayed for the “(none)” label. |
string |
shareText |
The text that should be displayed for the “Share” label. |
string |
shareStartFilename |
The starting filename that should be used when sharing calendar events (defaults to “share_events_”). |
string |
previousPropertyTooltipText |
The tooltip text that should be used for the “Previous Property” button. |
string |
jumpToDateTitle |
The text that should be displayed for the “Jump To Date” label. |
string |
goText |
The tooltip text that should be used for the “Go” button. |