Calendar.js - Documentation - Event
Below is the JSON format and properties that can be used for the calendar events.
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v2.12.0 - 5th Jun 2024
Below is the JSON format and properties that can be used for the calendar events.
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Type: | Name: | Description: |
string | id | The ID for the event (set automatically if not available). |
string | title | The title of the event. |
Object | from | The date that the event occurs from. |
Object | to | The date that the event runs until. |
string | description | The in-depth description of the event. |
string | location | The location of the event. |
string | color | The color that should be used for the event (overrides all others). |
string | colorText | The color that should be used for the event text (overrides all others). |
string | colorBorder | The color that should be used for the event border (overrides all others). |
boolean | isAllDay | States if this event is for all-day. |
number | repeatEvery | States how often the event should repeat (0 = Never, 1 = Every Day, 2 = Every Week, 3 = Every 2 Weeks, 4 = Every Month, 5 = Every Year, 6 = Custom). |
number[] | repeatEveryExcludeDays | States the days that should be excluded when an event is repeated. |
Object[] | seriesIgnoreDates | States the dates (string format) that should be ignored when an event is repeated. |
Object | created | The date that the event was created. |
string | organizerName | The name of the organizer. |
string | organizerEmailAddress | The email address of the organizer. |
Object | repeatEnds | The date when a repeating series should end. |
string | group | The name of the group the event belongs to. |
string | url | The URL that is associated with the event. |
number | repeatEveryCustomType | States the custom repeating period (0: Daily, 1: Weekly, 2: Monthly, 3: Yearly) |
number | repeatEveryCustomValue | States the custom repeating period value (for example, 1 day, week, month, or year). |
Object | lastUpdated | The date that the event was last updated. |
boolean | showAlerts | States if browser notifications should be shown for this event (defaults to true). |
boolean | locked | States if this event is locked and cannot be edited (it can still be removed, defaults to false). |
number | type | States what event type this is (0: Normal, 1: Meeting, 2: Birthday, 3: Holiday, 4: Task). |
Object | customTags | Stores custom tags (any object format) that can be assigned to the event (they are not used in the calendar). |
boolean | showAsBusy | States if the calendar should show the events time period as busy (defaults to true). |
number | alertOffset | States the number of minutes before the “from” date/time to show a browser notification (defaults to zero). |