Calendar.js - Documentation - Event

Below is the JSON format and properties that can be used for the calendar events.

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v2.12.2 - 13th Dec 2024
JSON Properties
Type: Name: Description:
string id The ID for the event (set automatically if not available).
string title The title of the event.
Object from The date that the event occurs from.
Object to The date that the event runs until.
string description The in-depth description of the event.
string location The location of the event.
string color The color that should be used for the event (overrides all others).
string colorText The color that should be used for the event text (overrides all others).
string colorBorder The color that should be used for the event border (overrides all others).
boolean isAllDay States if this event is for all-day.
number repeatEvery States how often the event should repeat (0 = Never, 1 = Every Day, 2 = Every Week, 3 = Every 2 Weeks, 4 = Every Month, 5 = Every Year, 6 = Custom).
number[] repeatEveryExcludeDays States the days that should be excluded when an event is repeated.
Object[] seriesIgnoreDates States the dates (string format) that should be ignored when an event is repeated.
Object created The date that the event was created.
string organizerName The name of the organizer.
string organizerEmailAddress The email address of the organizer.
Object repeatEnds The date when a repeating series should end.
string group The name of the group the event belongs to.
string url The URL that is associated with the event.
number repeatEveryCustomType States the custom repeating period (0: Daily, 1: Weekly, 2: Monthly, 3: Yearly)
number repeatEveryCustomValue States the custom repeating period value (for example, 1 day, week, month, or year).
Object lastUpdated The date that the event was last updated.
boolean showAlerts States if browser notifications should be shown for this event (defaults to true).
boolean locked States if this event is locked and cannot be edited (it can still be removed, defaults to false).
number type States what event type this is (0: Normal, 1: Meeting, 2: Birthday, 3: Holiday, 4: Task).
Object customTags Stores custom tags (any object format) that can be assigned to the event (they are not used in the calendar).
boolean showAsBusy States if the calendar should show the events time period as busy (defaults to true).
number alertOffset States the number of minutes before the “from” date/time to show a browser notification (defaults to zero).